All info on this site including images ©Jimmy Haunted
Dudleytown has been called the most haunted place on earth. Founded in 1740 it was a thriving small town complete with houses and streets . By the late 1800s there was no one left. The only memories of this old town are crumbled foundations and cellar holes.
This is all that's left of Dark Entry Road
Only 150 years ago this was the busiest road leading to Dudleytown. Murder, hysteria and suicide were frequent in Dudley town . It all seemed to have started with a supposed curse given the Dudley family almost 500 years ago from King Henry VIII. Here is a BRIEF history of Dudleytown. 1510- King Henry VIII beheads Edmund Dudley 1533-Edmunds son John beheaded in plot to overthrow the king 1554- John's brother and wife beheaded in another plot 1740-Four Dudley brothers settle in Cornwall, Connecticut 17??-Abiel Dudley goes mad and his brother is cut to pieces -Nathaniel Carter is found "hacked " to pieces -William Tanner goes mad ,sees "ghost and demons" -General Swift's wife is struck and killed by lightning -General Swift goes "mad " 1872-Mary Greeley hangs herself ,Husband Horace dies insane shortly after 1892- The Brophy's - Dudleytown's last family-wife dies ,the two sons disappear. Their father Patrick stumbles into Cornwall raving about clove hoofed beasts 1924-Dr and Mrs. Clark make their summer cottage here After two day business trip Dr. Clark returns to find his wife a raving lunatic who complains of ghost and demons pursuing her the rest of her life. While visiting present day Dudleytown ,you can't help but notice it attracts not only "ghost hunters", but it is a magnet for Satanic activity.
All the rumors are true. Once you pass this fallen tree which is about a half mile from the entrance all sounds stop. The crickets, birds and whatever sounds you normally hear in a forest become strangely silent. The first time I visited I heard soft hollow sounds from a distance .They gradually became closer and louder and faster until it passed right by me .The only thing that comes to mind that it sounded like a horse trotting down a cobblestone street. The picture below was taken by investigator Rick Clark. We were watching a group of teenagers playing with a Ouija board, when apparently they didn't like one of the answers they had gotten .They threw down the board and ran down the hill to their car. I thought this was pretty funny so I held up the board for a picture. I wouldn't have been smiling as much if I knew what was looming to my right...
Note: Dudleytown is private property and the owners do not allow visitors anymore since a fire started by campers destroyed much of the property. It is located at the end of Bald Mountain Hill Rd in Cornwall, CT.
Dudleytown Mr. Haunted The Website of Jimmy Haunted